1. The 1st Letter received.

As you can see from the envelope, this letter is from the MOE (Ministry of Education) and I can understand since they are the one with your school results.
Now take a look at the first letter;

As it said the bursary is jointly sponsored by Edusave Endowment Fund, North East CDC and Tampines East Citizens' Consultative Committee. So 3 'parties' are involved! Pls note the date of this letter : 22 Nov 2007.
Attached together with this letter is your application form. Below shows the Acknowlegment slip;

My points;
- This letter was received on 26 Nov 2007 though some received it on 24 Nov 2007. As stated, one must apply by 3 Dec 2007, so there is only 1 week to do so. If the recipients' family are not in Singapore (or maybe low income shouldn't go for tour afterall...) during that week, they would have miss the chance.
- The acknowledgement states "Supporting income documents must be submitted upon request". For the past few years, the CC here didn't ask for the pay slip as they already have it in their records. This year, the CC wanted it and the recipients have no choice but to make a trip back home and made a copy for them. I wonder why can't they just state "Bring along your pay slip" instead of "upon request" so that it will not cause any inconveniences to the applicants. A number of applicants (those who are not first timers) were turned away to get their pay slips before submission.
2. The 2nd letter received.

So is this letter from PA or CC? Let's take a look at the letter itself;

OK, it's from Tampines East Citizens' Consultative Committee...meaning...I don't know What is this? What's a CCC? It's stated the Adviser is Mr.Mah Bow Tan. Refer to the 1st letter, it's one of the 3 sponsors. Maybe this Tampines East CCC consists of the RC Zone 7/8. I'm not sure, it's too complicated and confusing.
- Anyway, this letter is addressed to the recipient of the award and the letter just state that "...and confirmation of your seating with this letter". It didn't state that the organiser will keep this letter for reference.
This is the 2nd time that when the Tampnes RC Zone 8 organised the event, they will keep the letter that is NOT addressed to them! I don't understand why even though the last time I have pointed out to their committee that there is no need to keep letters NOT addressed to them, they still continued doing so.
However when the Zone 7 RC organised it, they don't keep it for reference but will returned it to the recipients. If they wish to keep it, then they should state it clearly in the letter so that the recipients can photocopy it for their keeping.
- I'm aware that the number of recipients amount to 1 to 2 hundred or more, but pls if the seats are enough and numbered correctly for the recipients, there is no need to ask the recipients to start queuing up as early as 7.10pm;

In fact, I've asked one of the RC Zone 8 committee members why they asked the students to start queuing so early where the MP is only coming about 7.30pm. They replied that Mr.Mah 'is coming now' and I took a look at my watch - 7.11pm.
And now it's about 7.22pm and the students are still queuing and waiting, and Mr.Mah is still not here yet.

When I asked further, the committee said "Ask Chairman! Ask chairman!". Another member said "If don't asked the students to queue up now, very difficult to find them. They are all over the place".
- My point is why asked them to start coming at 6.30pm so early. All are staying nearby only. Try to gather 1oo to 200 ppl sitting down for 45 minutes without anything to do...don't you feel boring and feel like walking about? Reduce the 'Holding Time'.
Finally Mr.Mah arrived at about 7.25pm;

So is there a need to start queuing so early if the chairs are numbered in series. Don't you feel bored if you were to sit there waiting since 6.30pm (for 40 mins) and then started to queue for another 15 minutes? Moreover, the arrangement of the seats where the students were, made it impossible for them to view or enjoy the performance on stage.
3. In Summary.
Just like someone who wrote to the press not too long ago questioning what has the MOE Bursary or Scholarship award got to do with the RC or CC? I agreed that it will be easier for the MOE Edusave Bursary or Scholarship award to be given in the recipients' own school by the Principal.
This will solve lots of unnecessary problems and time for all parties concerned since the MPs are always on a very tight schedule. Just like this year, the award was held together with the Tampines RC Zone 8 block party and the award recipients reached home about 8pm onwards. In the past, the award was held in the afternoon and on Saturday but this year is on Sunday night where the next day is a schooling day.
Back to the Basics - if the award is to motivate the students to continue perform better, giving the award in their own school by the principal already served the purpose. There is no need to involve so many parties.
Moreover I wonder if one is unable to attend the award ceremony due to unforeseen circumstances, will they mail the cheque to the recipients or 'confiscate' the cheque? Any idea?
Another Edusave Award incident...here.
I'm also a Edusave Merit Bursary winner and i feel that organising a presentation ceremony in the CC involving hundreds over people from all over the area(pUblic) is definetely much more encouraging for the students than giving out just in sch.
Getting that award individually from the MP is a very generous thing to do! As if you are look up by others. People perhaps in your neighbourhood would also know that you're good in your studies.
So no matter how much trouble it takes, i will still prefer getting the award from the CC by MP.
Only "Good Progress Award" winners get the cheque from the school. And amount is much lesser than edusaAVE Merit Bursary
Congratulation to you Hong Ray. If it's well organised by the RC, then it's ok. But after attending for the past 7 years, there is still no improvement in it.
Of course, maybe some RC organise it well just like the Tampines RC Zone 7.
Well, its pretty much of the usual army treatment thingy, the way the event is planned, or over-planned for that matter...
As for the letters, it seems like its the other way around when things are poorly planned.
Perhaps two wrongs make a right! *Laughters*
PS. Anyway, your son did get the bursary in the end? *rejoice*
Do we need to apply the form In order to get the award ? What if I dont apply ?
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