- S$40 Million Fund For Barrier-Free Access
- Accessibility for Seniors: Barrier-Free Society
In the past few years, we have been reading about making our country Barrier Free access as our population is aging. Sounds good and caring too but...just take a look at this Berseh Food Centre located at Jalan Besar.

This food centre is surrounded by 1 main road and 2 side roads. It is difficult to access to the food centre via the side roads as there are cars parked at the side of the roads.

There is a barrier free access at this food centre but there is no signboard pointing users to this side of the food centre to use this access. Unless you are a regular there, you will not know of it until you walk round the food centre.
Below shows the Barrier Free Access;
Everything seems fine until here.
To prevent cyclists and motorcyclists from using the footpath, 'obstacles 1' are placed at one end of the pedestrian crossing at the food centre;
Alongside to obstacle 1, is obstacle 2 shown below;
If building all these 'obstacles' are to deter cyclists and motorcyclists from using the footpath - I guess the authority is penalising the disabled instead of the wrong doers.

I really do not understand why build a barrier free access slope for the disabled at one side, and the other sides - obstacles are placed? I suggest the one who plan for the barrier free access at such public places, please visit the place using wheel chair to see if it's really 'barrier free'!
Photos and Videos taken on : 16 Feb 2008
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